Saturday, January 27, 2007

Blogger's block lar!

i was having dinner with my cg members last nite about blogging and creative writing. i think with the accessibility and massive reach of the internet, it gives everyone and anyone a chance to try their hands at creative writing. one of them said she writes poetry, and i realised how beautiful this is. we're no longer restricted by the rule that only those who write good enough to be published can get their works appreciated by others.

then i asked another question: does she feel more inspired when she is feeling depressed? i asked her that because I do. as i browse through my blog archives, it's not hard to notice i blog the most when i am sad, depressed, confused or angry. somehow, the happy posts are just not as interesting and moving to read... at least to me la.

there's so much rubbish on the net now. youtube, blogs, forums... the other day i was reading les dames, a local female forum. the thread discussion was about one of my current favorite mediacorp tv dramas called the Peak. i'm not about to give free publicity for the show, but the guts of the girls to make really childish and immature comments (aka bitching) about the actresses and actors just disgusts me really.

somehow i feel the freedom of expression we have on this www us also made us less sensitive and kind? hiding behind the anonymity (save for IP addresses) has made us bolder but more cruel. i'm sure that streak of cruelty has always been there in us but the internet has given us strength in numbers, many girls bitching together, more shiok, and more salt and pepper to spice things up also. seriously, don't people have better things to do (with the internet)?

through this online world, i have also made precious acquaintances... my darling potato is one of them (keke...) it has also provided me a channel to vent out frustrations, aptly put by my cg member "i write about my feelings, when there is no one i can talk about them".

so what really is motivating us, to express ourselves, through blogs and forums - a desire to be heard but not seen? or simply a place where we can be someone we hope to be whom in reality, we are not?

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